Sunday, October 21, 2007


Lately, Tobi has been making a variety of queer sounds. But now, Tobi is beginning to say her own name! Read on...

Well, now because of the subtitle you probably know that Tobi has a wide vocabulary of queer sounds. For a long time since we got Tobi, she has been mainly whistling & growling. But yesterday, (I made this post on 10/21/07) and today, Tobi has been making noises that sound like her name, "Tobi". Even though these sounds are muffled up, she is still saying it & even my babysitter as well as my grandma swear that they heard it, just like me! This is really phenomenal! Is it words? Is it just Tobi's ordinary noises? I will never know until she really says "Tobi". But anyways, she stepping up towards her talking goal, she is getting there, and this can be an historic moment in her lifetime! We will find out what happens next time on Tobi's blog...


Fidélité said...

is this supposed to be the right time for tobi or is this too early

Birdbuddy (NeuBuddy) said...

Good question Faith! I've read some information about parrot talking (especially african greys). I think Tobi was supposed to talk at about 1 year old or less, so this is a good time for her to talk. My father actually thinks that Tobi is talking at an early age (that would be cool). Tobi is really progressing on saying her name & she really is saying it this time! Well, thank you so much for commenting Faith!

Anonymous said...

how old is tobi

Birdbuddy (NeuBuddy) said...

Well, Tobi is about 11 months old. She will be 11 months old on November 15, 2007. Anyways, thanks for the comment anonymous!

(But you must leave your name in the comment, thank you!)