Thursday, June 7, 2007


Is Tobi actually imitating things? You bet! Read more about it right here, right now.

Did you know that Tobi is imitating things!? Well, here is the story about what we think is going on & what in the world Tobi is imitating. First of all, when Tobi arrived at our house, she didn't make a single peep. The next day, Tobi was making little peeps & I/my dad had no idea what she was doing. My dad thought & probably knew Tobi was imitating birds in the previous aviary + my birds too. For several days & today (which was June 7, 2007), Tobi was making a lot of new noises including really high pitched & cuddly souding noises. Now I probably know that Tobi is imitating things, so in the future, she definitely or might talk. Hopefully, there's a good chance! Well, it looks like we have no ordinary & average african grey here. We have a baby genius in our house! Thanks for reading & coming up will be more articles (if anything really cool ever happens :) ) Bye!